Animated Inanimate Battle, known AIB, an American animated web series a competition inanimate anthropomorphic objects created Robert Johnston.The show officially released April 15, 2018, ceased production due the termination the channel was hosted on.
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Animated Inanimate Battle, known AIB, an American animated web series a competition inanimate anthropomorphic objects created Robert Johnston. show officially released April 15, 2018, ceased production due the termination the channel was hosted on. was re-released April 1, 2020, is continuing production currently. entire .
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Oodle Doodle arranges sixty Blank Slate inhabitants six teams ten gives their challenge; literal ice breaker!*****!!!VOTING .
This a list all 69 (72 including non-canon ones) characters Animated Inanimate Battle. Characters are considered canon the series. is due them appearing an irregular episode short is deemed non-canon in joke video related Animated Inanimate Battle.
Animated Inanimate Battle a web cartoon series created Robert Johnston his YouTube channel, GatlingGroink57, inspired another web cartoon called Battle Dream Island.It's of standard object shows.Except it's hosted a demigod. was created 2017 the creator drew 60 assets eventually decided make show it, initially premiered April .
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Animated Inanimate Battle, known AIB, an American animated web series a competition inanimate anthropomorphic objects created Robert Johnston. show officially released April 15, 2018, ceased production due the termination the channel was hosted on. was re-released April 1, 2020 .
Animated Inanimate Battle an American animated series YouTube channel created Robert Johnston (born: August 24, 1998 (1998-08-24) [age 26]), is known online Bobert Jobert (formerly GatlingGroink57). content the AIB channel consists object show-related animated videos. show Animated Inanimate Battle (often abbreviated AIB) hosted the .
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