Tōhai (凍牌) a Japanese manga series written illustrated Kōji Shinasaka [].It serialized Akita Shoten's seinen manga magazine Young Champion June 2006 April 2011. sequel manga, Tōhai: Hitobashira-hen, serialized Young Champion May 2011 May 2017. third series, Tōhai: Minagoroshi-hen, serialized Young Champion September 2017 June 2021.
Manga 'Touhai' TV Anime 2024: Production company Pony Canyon opened official website a television anime adaptation Kouji Shinasaka's Touhai manga Thursday, revealing main staff, teaser visual (pictured), a teaser promotional video. anime scheduled premiere 2024. Staff Director: Jun Hatori (Taishou Otome Otogibanashi) Series Composition: Mariko .
Bohai a character Horizon Forbidden West. an Overseer, of leading members the Diviners, responsibilities include monitoring suppression "heretical" information the Legacy could disrupt stability the Quen Empire. Bohai the Overseer chosen undertake Eastern Expedition San Francisco, hopes finding Legacy to save .
News chronological archives; 11:49 Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube Anime Debuts TV Asahi's 'IM Animation W' Block July; 11:14 Koupen-chan Character Short TV Anime Spring 2025 .
A stage presentation the television anime Kōji Shinasaka's Tohai: Ura Rate Mahjong Tohai Roku manga the Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair (KyoMAF) event Sunday revealed it .
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Not lot people that of most talented ruthless Mahjong players the city a young high school boy. Kei a teenager few words, his observation skills, unwavering and experience the game him survive a world full powerful, rich dangerous characters. Kei currently hiding girl named Amina has entered country illegally .
Looking information the manga Touhai? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. a lot people that of most talented ruthless Mahjong players the city a young high school boy. Kei a teenager few words, his observation skills, unwavering and experience the game him survive .
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