Love Lies (Tokyo MX, 2017) a Japanese romantic drama anime series based the manga Musawo Liden Films animation studio. a futuristic society Japan implemented complex matchmaking system combat extremely birthrates, Yukari Nejima struggles deal his feelings his long-time crush the predicament his arranged marriage.
Light's main opponent, L, considered best sleuth the world, his identity unknown.He's investigating Kira case. calls Ryƻzaki Hideki Ryuga. real remains unknown the 12 volumes the manga, his real name, L Lawliet, revealed the 13 volume.His eccentric demeanor matched by intelligence.
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05:30 Classic Stars Anime Reveals April Debut, Cast New Video; 04:36 Too-Perfect Saint Anime Reveals April Debut, Visual; 04:00 Nanateru's Alma-chan to a Family! Manga .
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Anime Type. Movie Music Video OVA TV Series TV Special unknown Web. Misc hide synonyms show streamable show order bar. Origin. China Japan South Korea. Lime-iro Ryuukitan Cross: Koi, Oshiete Kudasai. Lightning Trap: Leina & Laika. Love Machine: Animaid Shoufu 23-gou. Legendz: Yomigaeru Ryuuou Densetsu.
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