Okami-san Her Companions (J.C.Staff, 2010) an anime series based the Japanese light novels Masashi Okita. Set the fictional Otogibana City, Okami-san & Seven Companions the lives Ryoko Okami (the eponymous Okami-san) her friends, companions, their service members a "trading" club as Otogi High School Bank.
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In vivid vast universes anime, characters bear names starting the letter "O" add unique flavor the intricate tapestry animated storytelling. characters, imbued enigmatic personalities compelling backgrounds, play pivotal roles unfolding narratives fantasy, drama, adventure. the diverse genres anime… Read »36 .
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Some anime characters first last names, have nicknames, have… well, are known something. that aspect, is important remember of names that why have decided bring this list. list going contain list anime characters start the letter O.
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