Title: Boku dake ga inai machi; Author: Kei Sanbe; Genre: Animation, Drama, Fantasy; Episodes: 12; IMDB/MAL: 8.5/8.3; our list heartbreaking anime, Erased holds special place it takes two timelines. Yeah, it's anime based the concept time-traveling.Satoru Fujinuma a 29-year-old manga artist his life turns upside when is struck a tragedy.
An anime not sad overall, we can't but cry the character's misfortunes. Relationships also an anime sad. anime fan forget they laughed, smiled, cried they watched growing relationship Nagisa Furukawa Tomoya Okazaki Clannad, Clannad: Story.
This sad love story to one the saddest anime deaths. 12. Name. Toho (Your Name) Name an anime based the manga written Makoto Shinkai. fantasy romance film shows magical connection a boy a girl up switching bodies.
20 anime's saddest, gut-wrenching stories. Spoiler alert: you're gonna tissues. lot them. 20 anime's saddest, gut-wrenching stories. . Tears emotional wreckage, served hot fresh! to definitive list saddest anime ever. I've thrown my top picks when need good cry, in spirit .
Monster, story Doctor Kenzo Tenma, deserves bit the critical acclaim lit gets. series deftly confronts questions morality the dire consequences can result a single decision. . collection lists ranking legit saddest moments anime, it's saddest goodbyes, most depressing anime .
Sad anime series some the stories stick fans longest, few emotions felt intensely sadness. is easy laugh a joke feel joy a character's achievements victories, such feelings often short-lived. the hand, bringing viewers tears requires genuine connection be .
A sad anime be testament great character development characters put struggles loss, betrayal, depression. list covers of saddest stories all anime, we've updated with more tearjerking titles fans sure love.
This heartbreaking boy's love anime gets tragic the story continues. centers Ash Lynx, 17-year-old gang leader New York City, Eiji Okumura, Japanese .
While lot anime stays pretty lighthearted, viewers that isn't fun games. are depressing anime series films deal strong subjects death, failed romance, illness, catastrophic tragedies all sorts. list at of saddest anime there the moments will leave in tears - means there's spoilers .
One the well sad anime recent years, Makoto Shinkai's Name. the world storm it released 2016. romantic anime story fate, epic blockbuster .
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