Title: Boku dake ga inai machi; Author: Kei Sanbe; Genre: Animation, Drama, Fantasy; Episodes: 12; IMDB/MAL: 8.5/8.3; our list heartbreaking anime, Erased holds special place it takes two timelines. Yeah, it's anime based the concept time-traveling.Satoru Fujinuma a 29-year-old manga artist his life turns upside when is struck a tragedy.
An anime is classified 'sad' still us cry babies! at Attack Titan. has scenes will us cry. the conclusion our favourite series make cry. Watching shows definitely your anime knowledge teach a or about ups downs life general.
28. Bokura ga Ita (We there) say We there a plain aesthetic be understatement. the series still of all-time favorite romance anime partly of clean & bare visuals present the source manga well. were has 26 episodes. without second season, of who grew watching won't feel complete (unless read .
Oshi Ko the distinction making anime viewers cry one episode, its feature-length premiere a devastating gut-punch kicks the true events the series. his previous life, Gorou a physician idol otaku influenced his patient, Serena, adore Ai Hoshino, star B-Komachi. .
Sometimes one death an anime cloud whole series sadness. the saddest death all anime to Maes Hughes Fullmetal Alchemist . funeral burial scene notorious making people cry, when Hughes' daughter Elicia starts ask mom daddy (the scene included if .
Cowboy Bebop still Shinichiro Watanabe's best-known most-loved anime show. it, anime fans the late 1990s, me, introduced both vision Yoko Kanno's god-tier music, showed knows jazz blues. of stories the series sad.
Anime among favorite times can enjoy, that doesn't that anime series don't to deep thought-provoking. today's article we're to bring a list anime deal sorrow, emotion, sadness, everything between.
You an anime gangs, drugs, betrayal also shreds heart a million pieces? Oddly specific, congrats, found it. MAPPA's Banana Fish a no-holds-barred story explores love loss the grimiest, heartbreaking ways possible. Fantastic anime ruin week. —BR. 18. Steins;Gate
Akame Ga Kill a tragic anime series studio white fox, studio Steins Gate, re:Zero, Jormungand. equally violent thoughtful anime shows.# Tatsumi a trained swordsman heads to capital the hopes becoming high ranking officer, making ton money, helping poor village grew in.
The anime based a semi-autobiographical short story Akiyuki Nosaka. sad anime about siblings Seita Setsuko, are struggling survive World War II Japan. is movie just 1 hour 29 minutes, it leaves thinking days, weeks, months, sometimes about fearsome war be.
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