Madhouse (MADHOUSE Inc.) a Japanese animation studio based Nakano City, Tokyo. Ex-Mushi Production animators—including Masao Maruyama, Osamu Dezaki, Rintarou, Yoshiaki Kawajiri—are credited founding company 1972, Rintarou not join studio 1982.
Madhouse, (株式会社マッドハウス, Kabushiki-gaisha Maddohausu) a Japanese animation studio founded 1972 ex-Mushi Pro staff, including Masao Maruyama, Osamu Dezaki, Yoshiaki Kawajiri. Madhouse created helped produce well-known shows, OVAs films, starting TV anime series Ace Nerae! (produced Tokyo Movie Shinsha) 1973, including .
Madhouse Studio known stunning anime adaptations interesting unique storylines. Unfortunately, 'Redline' lacks both! Yet, makes a worthy entry this list the dominating art style compensates its sub-par substance. took Studio than a decade produce 'Redline.'
Studio Madhouse one the Big Boys anime. They've pumped hit hit their decades business, horror comedy romance action. They've proven a suitable choice adaptations time time again, sparing details always to fulfill ambition the original artist.
Madhouse a Japanese animation studio for producing popular anime series Summer Wars Death Note.
In 1972, group highly-skilled animators left Mushi Production (Osamu Tezuka's studio) found Madhouse.Since then, studio been producing hit hit. team recruited world-class directors Satoshi Kon worked closely manga artists Naoki Urasawa CLAMP adapt work thoughtful, source-compliant anime. . They're responsible everything .
Madhouse an anime studio was founded 1972, for 50 years been putting some the stories put animation. Madhouse fairly active 1972 2000, seemed hit renaissance the millennium, greatly increasing output sacrificing in way quality. .
Madhouse claim the credit Legend The Galactic Heroes' incredible score MyAnimeList, the studio worked the opening 26 episodes of total 110. Nevertheless, Madhouse associated arguably greatest sci-fi anime all time, if Legend The Galactic Heroes to improve it progresses.
As of Japan's oldest most revered anime studios, Madhouse's reputation legendary. for daring trend-setting series (along its consistency), goes saying .
MADHOUSE anime. Complete list anime MADHOUSE. Name; Avg Rating; Studio; Type; Tags; Episodes; Year / Season; show only. DVD Special; Movie; Music Video; .
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