Kyoto Animation (Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd.) (often abbreviated KyoAni) a Japanese animation studio based Uji, Kyoto Prefecture. Youko Hatta (born Youko Sugiyama), had previously studied Osamu Tezuka an artist Mushi Production, founded company her husband, Hideaki Hatta, 1981.
Suzumiya Haruhi Chan Mahjong Feb. - 2009 / WEB animation. Nyoron Churuya-san Feb. - 2009 / WEB animation. Sora wo Miageru Syojo Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai Jan. - Mar. 2009 / TV animation. CLANNAD ~AFTER STORY~ Oct. 2008 - Mar. 2009 / TV animation. . Kyoto Animation Co.,Ltd. .
Browse complete list anime Kyoto Animation, Japanese animation studio for high-quality productions. Find ratings, genres, episodes, years, staff more each anime title.
Kyoto Animation a Japanese animation studio light publisher founded 1985. has produced anime films series as Melancholy Haruhi Suzumiya, K-On!, Silent Voice, Violet Evergarden.
Kyoto Animation Anime List show list info. List all Kyoto Animation TV shows movies. does include specials, OVAs recap movies. 893 users ยท 19,450 views by Thom. avg. score: 8 31 (26%) required scores: 1, 2, 3, 8, 15 list stats leaders vote Vote print .
20. Baja Studio. Released: 2017 Genre: Fantasy Length: 21 Min. Baja Studio one the least-known entries the list. It's one-shot OVA an adorable itsy-bitsy hamster lives an animation studio, fantastic animation quality great voice acting some pretty young actors.
See list Kyoto Animation anime. Find more information them, you watch and track them easily.
A list some the anime shows produced Kyoto Animation, studio for stunning visuals diverse themes. high school dramas sports, music, mystery fantasy, anime titles take on journey emotions adventure.
Kyoto Animation been honored the 2020 Diversity Award Women Animation. of following anime series* the beloved Kyoto Animation studio your favorite? Let's dive the gorgeous, imaginative worlds brought us the wonderful creators Kyoto Animation.
Find the latest updates events Kyoto Animation, studio popular anime series as K-On!, Sound! Euphonium, Violet Evergarden. web page not list anime titles genres Kyoto Animation.
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