Effective Last Day Working Email Sample: How to Say Goodbye Professionally

Crafting a last day working email is essential for maintaining professional relationships. This email serves as a formal notification to colleagues and supervisors about an individual’s departure from the company. A well-written farewell message reflects positive experiences and expresses gratitude for support received during one’s tenure. Farewell emails can also include personal contact information, ensuring that connections continue beyond the workplace.

The Perfect Structure for Your Last Day Working Email

So, you’re wrapping up your time at a job, and it’s time to send out that last day working email. Whether you’re moving on to a new opportunity or taking a break, your farewell email can leave a lasting impression. You want to say thanks, share some memories, and keep the door open for future connections. Here’s a simple guide on how to craft the perfect last day email.

1. Start with a Catchy Subject Line

Your subject line is like the appetizer before the meal; it sets the tone for what’s to come. Keep it friendly and straightforward. Here are a few examples:

  • “Goodbye and Thank You!”
  • “Signing Off: My Last Day at [Company Name]”
  • “Moving On, But Not Forgetting!”

2. Open with a Warm Greeting

This is where you address your colleagues warmly. Use a friendly tone and remember to match it to your workplace culture. Here’s how you could start:

  • “Hi Team,”
  • “Dear [Company Name] Crew,”
  • “Hello Everyone,”

3. Express Gratitude

Next, it’s time to thank everyone for the experiences you had during your time there. Mention specific aspects that made your time special. This will show your appreciation more genuinely.

  • “I want to say a huge thank you for the support and friendship.”
  • “I’ve learned so much from each of you.”
  • “The team spirit here is unparalleled.”

4. Share Some Memories or Highlights

People love to reminisce. Take a moment to share some of your favorite moments or projects from your time at the company. Here’s how you might frame it:

  • “I’ll always remember our late-night project pushes.”
  • “The team lunches were a highlight of my week!”
  • “Working alongside you all has been a blast!”

5. Provide Your Contact Information

Make it easy for colleagues to stay in touch after you leave. Include your personal email, phone number, or any social media profile you’re comfortable sharing. You can present it like this:

Contact Method Details
Email [email protected]
Phone (123) 456-7890
LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/yourname

6. Leave the Door Open

You may want to express your wish to keep in touch. This shows you value the relationships built during your time there. Consider phrases like:

  • “I hope we can catch up soon!”
  • “Please don’t be a stranger!”
  • “I look forward to seeing what you all accomplish next!”

7. Close with a Friendly Sign-Off

Wrap up your email with a friendly goodbye. Here are some suggestions:

  • “Warm wishes,”
  • “Best regards,”
  • “Cheers,”

Remember, the key to a great last day email is to be authentic and heartfelt. Keeping this structure in mind will help ensure your message is clear, kind, and memorable. Happy writing!

Last Day Working Email Samples

Example 1: Resignation for Career Advancement

Dear Team,

As I prepare for my last day with [Company Name], I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work alongside such talented individuals. I have decided to pursue a new career opportunity that aligns with my professional growth.

My last working day will be [Last Day Date]. I will ensure all my responsibilities are wrapped up before I leave. Please feel free to reach out to me for any pending matters.

Thank you for the memories and experiences; I will cherish them always.


[Your Name]

Example 2: Moving to a Different City

Dear All,

I wanted to inform you that my last day at [Company Name] will be [Last Day Date]. After much thought, I have decided to relocate to [New City] for personal reasons.

It has been a privilege to be part of this team, and I am grateful for the support and friendships I have built here. I will make sure to complete ongoing projects and provide any necessary handover before my departure.

Thank you for everything, and I hope to stay in touch!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Example 3: Pursuing Further Education

Hello Team,

I’m writing to share that my last day with [Company Name] will be [Last Day Date]. I have decided to pursue further education to deepen my knowledge in [Field of Study].

This was not an easy decision, as I have enjoyed working with all of you immensely. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition in my role before I leave. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything during this time.

Thank you for your support, and I hope our paths cross again in the future!


[Your Name]

Example 4: Family Commitments

Dear Team,

As some of you may know, my last day at [Company Name] will be [Last Day Date]. I have decided to take some time off to focus on family commitments that require my attention.

I am truly grateful for the experiences we’ve shared and will forever value the relationships formed here. I will ensure that all my tasks are completed or transitioned before I leave.

It has been a pleasure working with you all, and I hope we can keep in touch.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Example 5: Health Reasons

Dear Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to let you know that my last day at [Company Name] will be [Last Day Date]. Due to unforeseen health reasons, I have made the difficult decision to step back from my role.

This decision comes with a heavy heart, as I have genuinely enjoyed my time here and appreciate each one of you. I am committed to ensuring a comprehensive handover of my responsibilities before my departure.

Thank you all for your understanding, and I wish you continued success.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Example 6: Return to Previous Employer

Hi Team,

I want to inform you that my last working day at [Company Name] will be [Last Day Date]. I have accepted a position with my former employer that offers the chance to advance within their organization.

Although I am excited about this new chapter, I will miss working with such a positive and talented group of people. I am here to support any transition efforts needed during my remaining time at the company.

Thank you for the support and camaraderie; I hope to keep in touch!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Example 7: Layoff Notification

Dear Team,

I regret to inform you that my position at [Company Name] has been eliminated due to organizational changes. My last day will be [Last Day Date]. I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for the collaboration and support I’ve received during my time here.

I will do my best to tie up any loose ends and assist in the transition of my responsibilities. I have truly enjoyed working with all of you and will take many cherished memories with me.

Thank you once again, and I wish everyone the best in the future.


[Your Name]

How does a last day working email contribute to a smooth transition for departing employees?

A last day working email plays a crucial role in facilitating a smooth transition for departing employees. This email serves as a formal notification to colleagues, supervisors, and other relevant parties about the employee’s departure. It helps communicate the employee’s final working date and the next steps regarding ongoing projects or responsibilities. The email fosters transparent communication by expressing gratitude for the support received during employment. It helps maintain professional relationships and encourages future networking. A well-crafted last day working email also includes contact information, ensuring colleagues can reach out for any follow-up questions or collaboration opportunities after the employee’s departure. This proactive approach minimizes confusion and ensures a seamless handover of duties.

What key components should be included in a last day working email?

A last day working email should include several key components to ensure clarity and professionalism. The email should begin with a clear subject line indicating the departure date. Next, the employee should state their final working day within the body of the email. Expressing appreciation to colleagues and supervisors is essential, as it reinforces positive relationships. The email should outline important information regarding project handovers, mentioning any specific colleagues responsible for continuing ongoing tasks. Providing contact information for future correspondence allows for continued professional relationships. Lastly, a courteous closing statement wishing colleagues well enhances the overall tone of the communication.

Why is it essential to notify colleagues about an employee’s last day at work?

Notifying colleagues about an employee’s last day at work is essential for several reasons. This notification ensures that everyone is aware of the employee’s departure, which helps to manage expectations effectively. It fosters an environment of transparency, wherein colleagues can prepare for the transition in workload. An advanced notice allows teams to adjust responsibilities and timelines without sudden disruptions. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of the departing employee, promoting a culture of recognition within the organization. By informing colleagues about the departure, it fosters an atmosphere of support and communication that paves the way for a more cohesive team dynamic moving forward.

And that’s a wrap on our last day working email sample! We hope you found it helpful as you navigate this bittersweet transition. Whether you’re moving on to exciting new adventures or just looking to soak in those final moments with your awesome colleagues, we’re here cheering you on every step of the way. Thanks a ton for reading, and don’t be a stranger—swing by again soon for more tips and tricks to make your work life a little easier. Until next time, take care and happy emailing!