The reverse isekai anime series include Hinamatsuri, manga adaptation a young alien girl gets in cared by intimidating gentle yakuza boss. Devil a Part-Timer! a wildly popular series an interesting plot - if Satan worked a fast food restaurant? of shows light-hearted .
Find anime characters another world up Earth, the way around. Browse list reverse isekai anime name, rating, studio, type, tags, episodes, year more.
For top entry have of best reverse isekai & slice-of-life anime come in modern times. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid a light-hearted, hilarious, oftentimes wholesome show explores unlikely friendship an exiled dragon a human.
Which these reverse isekai anime worth watching? 1. 1,587 votes. Gate. Photo: Gate; A-1 Pictures; on way a doujin convention, otaku Japan Self-Defense Forces officer Yoji Itami encounters mysterious portal shaped a gate. Supernatural warriors start pouring and attacking city. Yoji saves many lives .
2023 hasn't the year isekai reverse isekai titles, for few, Dead Mount Death Play, managed uplift genre's reputation. Skipping traditional joyous uplifting nature reverse isekai, anime wholeheartedly embraced darkness chaos.
This reverse isekai anime out July 2022 Netflix, its unique comedy immensely refreshing the isekai genre. a tragic accident, Takafumi's uncle, Yousuke Ojisan .
Reverse Isekai anime a twist the Isekai genre, characters other worlds to Earth. Discover 10 examples this subgenre, ranging comedy, action, romance, more.
Reverse isekai a genre the main character transported Earth of world. Discover 10 anime shows explore concept, dragons angels aliens gods.
Reverse isekai involves character another world coming Earth, while anime not impossible find, make a tiny portion the isekai genre.
Reverse isekai anime when monsters another world to Earth of people to magical world. a list shows different genres, themes characters, as comedy, action, romance horror.
19 Best Reverse Isekai Anime Ranked - YouTube