Code Geass a Japanese anime series blends political intrigue, mecha combat, supernatural elements. Set an alternate history the Holy Britannian Empire conquered Japan, story Lelouch Lamperouge, exiled Britannian prince residing Japan (now as Area 11).
2. Code Geass Release Order I. Anime Series. Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion (2006) Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion R2 (2008) II. Spin-off. Code Geass: Akito Exiled Episode 1: Wyvern Arrives; Episode 2: Wyvern Divided; Episode 3: Brightness Falls; Episode 4: Memories Hatred; Episode 5: Beloved Ones; III. OVAs
The Code Geass watch order season 1, Akito Exiled then season 2. you to watch Geass, can enjoy new movies including Lelouch the Re;surrection.
Mengenal Anime Code Geass TBS/Code Geass. Code Geass menjadi salah satu anime mecha terbaik dekade 2010-an. karakter dibuat desain penuh warna, membuat anime satu terasa menyegarkan sekaligus penuh kejutan. Ceritanya pun hadir banyak plot twist, membuat penonton waspada.
Ini musim kedua serial anime Code Geass jumlah 25 episode. Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion R2 bercerita tentang Lelouch kehilangan ingatannya.Dia pun menjalani rutinitasnya sebagai siswa biasa umumnya. Namun, C.C. tak bisa membiarkan hal tersebut saja, mengingat banyak berbagai kekacauan perlu dituntaskan.
Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion Special - Black Rebellion; Code Geass: Akito Exiled 1 - Wyvern Arrives; Code Geass: Akito Exiled 2 - Wyvern Divided; Code Geass: Akito Exiled 3 - Brightness Falls; Code Geass: Akito Exiled 4 - Memories Hatred; Code Geass: Akito Exiled 5 - Beloved Ones
Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion (OVA two) R2 Special Edition - Requiem; Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion (OVA three) Miraculous Birthday; Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion (OVA four) Nunnally Wonderland; Code Geass: Akito Exiled - Episodes 1 5; Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion - Initiation
Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion R2 (anime, 2008) Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion R2 Special Edition "Zero Requiem" (OVA, 2009) second Code Geass OVA a compilation Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion R2 can watched after season, it also skipped you want. Code Geass: Kiseki Tanjōbi (OVA .
1. Code Geass: Lelouch The Rebellion. Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion the season watch. Code Geass series an original anime, means has been adapted a manga. had own story ideas designs, were original; series a manga adaptation on it popular.
For essential "Code Geass" experience, move to follow-up season, "Code Geass: Lelouch the Rebellion R2." follow-up series broadcast 2008, another 25 episodes.
Urutan Menonton Anime Code Geass (Alternative Version) - YouTube